Tuesday, December 1, 2015

25 days 2 Christmas: Snow!

Snow! I know we are dreading the onslaught in the months to come. But something is wonderful about those first snowfalls. The muddiness and messiness in our yards and streets the night before is beautifully transformed into fresh and clean places come morning.

The bible says this about snow - "...wash me, and I will be whiter than snow." Humble self awareness makes me admit there is still a lot of muddiness and messiness that runs through my words, thoughts and attitudes. One of the great messages of Christmas is that Jesus came to clean us up; creating within us a fresh and clean space for God to do His work.

As we begin this Christmas journey, I hope we all experience a big snowfall of God's love and forgiveness!

Prayer: Thank you Father for the gift of forgiveness through your Son Jesus. We simply say, "God, be merciful to me, a sinner." In Jesus name. Amen"

A Gift for others: Smile at 3 different people!

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