Sunday, December 13, 2015

25 Days 2 Christmas - No Room

"...because there was no room for them in the inn." Luke 2:7

This is often an overlooked part of the story. Someone has said the first "king size" bed was baby Jesus in the manger. Just think about it. When we consider British royalty of Kate and William, it is hard to even begin to imagine their children, George and Charlotte, in a feeding trough. 

It makes us mindful that Jesus came into the world and identified with the poor and the bottom end of society. This was no palace or mansion. Nor did his parents have the means or the influence to make things happen. Christ identified with the weak. 

We often overlook these people in our lives. We can get caught up with the powerful, talented and popular. The baby in the manger may not look as impressive as other things that can take up our energies and attention. 

We must be careful.  We too may find we don't have any room for the baby Jesus because our lives are already filled with other important guests that have captured our hearts and minds. 

Prayer: "Lord be King of my heart today!"

Gift to others: Start looking for opportunity to invite others to celebrate Christ's birth at a Christmas Eve service.

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